line_profiler.autoprofile.autoprofile module

AutoProfile Script Demo

The following demo is end-to-end bash code that writes a demo script and profiles it with autoprofile.

# Write demo python script to disk
python -c "if 1:
    import textwrap
    text = textwrap.dedent(
        def plus(a, b):
            return a + b

        def fib(n):
            a, b = 0, 1
            while a < n:
                a, b = b, plus(a, b)

        def main():
            import math
            import time
            start = time.time()

            print('start calculating')
            while time.time() - start < 1:
            print('done calculating')

    with open('', 'w') as file:

echo "---"
echo "## Profile With AutoProfile"
python -m kernprof -p -l
python -m line_profiler -rmt

Allow profiler to handle functions/methods, classes & modules with a single call.

Add a method to LineProfiler that can identify whether the object is a function/method, class or module and handle it’s profiling accordingly. Mainly used for profiling objects that are imported. (Workaround to keep changes needed by autoprofile separate from base LineProfiler)


prof (LineProfiler) – instance of LineProfiler., ns, prof_mod, profile_imports=False)[source]

Automatically profile a script and run it.

Profile functions, classes & modules specified in prof_mod without needing to add @profile decorators.

  • script_file (str) – path to script being profiled.

  • ns (dict) – “locals” from kernprof scope.

  • prof_mod (List[str]) – list of imports to profile in script. passing the path to script will profile the whole script. the objects can be specified using its dotted path or full path (if applicable).

  • profile_imports (bool) – if True, when auto-profiling whole script, profile all imports aswell.